Most rock clubs and stones in place annual exhibition to raise funds, show the work of members of the cases, and educate their local community. These are great shows to go for rock samples, unique jewelry components, tools, and of course, a moment of interest. To get the most out of your visit and gem rock show, here are some tips to consider:
* You can search for shows around, see a local rock show ads in the newspaper.
* If you know any local rock club members, but are also aware of the rock seems to drive.
* Rock Show can range from small to large, so wear comfortable shoes for every occasion.
* Bum bags and backpacks are great for keeping your hands free.
* Many events have admission fees. Keep this ticket stub for the sweepstakes and for tax purposes.
* Frequently Asked lapidary and jewelry artists also teach. If you see a special technique that interests you, ask them if they teach close to home.
Rocks are heavy *! So get ready, or put a small luggage cart or a strong friend.
* This is a good time to network and bring business cards and grab something while moving through the program.
* If you make a purchase, you may be tempted to negotiate with the seller. However, things in perspective. If you make a small purchase at a small exhibition, your provider may be less able to make an appointment with you.
* If you have a business, be sure to have a copy of your tax identification number if you need to show to a seller.
* Most sellers know each other, so if you're looking for something specific, just ask. One could say that the stand to go.
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