Renew, reuse, recycle, and save money is a popular mantra for all aspects of our lives, and these ideas relate to jewelry making as well. In addition, Earth-friendly and sustainable concepts can save you money on jewelry supplies while it forces you to think more creatively. Here are some tips to help you become creatively frugal when it comes to jewelry designing.
Use Found Objects
A bead can be anything with a hole in it. With some creativity, found objects can be incorporated into your jewelry and are a wonderful way to recycle. Old computer parts (like RAM chips), those free CDs you get in the mail, bottle caps, buttons - get creative. If the item doesn't have a hole, consider making one using a hand-drill or metal hole puncher.
Comparison Shop
Even if you’ve been purchasing from the same vendor for years, don’t feel shy about shopping around. One supplier may have better prices on beads, but another may have better prices on finding. Some vendors will also have sales going on at different times during the year as well as deals on shipping costs. To get started with your comparison shopping, you can find a long list of suppliers linked on this site.
Team Up and Buy in Bulk
The more you buy, the better your price - usually. If you don’t always have enough money yourself, team up with others who share your passion. Staple supplies like wire and findings are items that most of us use, so these can often be bought in large quantities and split up between those ordering.
Garage Sales and Thrift Stores
Most garage sales and thrift stores have at least a few pieces of jewelry for sale. Don’t turn your nose up, even if it seems ugly. Many pieces can be taken apart and salvaged for the beads and findings. Jewelry is not the only item to consider though. An old crock pot can be a pickle pot; cracked China cups can hold beads or be smashed into pieces and transformed into pendants; baskets can be used to store hand tools or finished jewelry.
Go to a Hardware Store
I like to visit my local hardware store in search of hidden treasure. The chain stores with their forklifts and endless isles intimidate me, but the small mom and pop place down the road is full of wire, chain, and tools. I usually find something new while browsing through the isles.
Inventory Your Supplies
I can't tell you how many times I've come home from a jewelry supply run only to discover that I already had a number of items in my current jewelry supply stash. Simply getting your jewelry studio organized can make a big difference when it comes to frugal jewelry designing. Know what you have. Label your supply containers so you can find items more quickly before you order more of the same.
Use What You Have First
On that same note, one frugal concept is to try to use what you already have in your stash. Maybe you don't have the jewelry component you want to use, but you might have a similar component that would work just as well.
Donate Orphaned Craft Supplies
There are many organizations that would be very appreciative of extra beads, findings, or other jewelry and crafting supplies that you may not need any more. Perhaps your jewelry designing has switched gears and you find yourself with a stash of supplies that no longer fit in with your design vision. Rather than leave these materials packed away, box them up and send them to a non-profit group who could use them.
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