Monday, March 7, 2011

Mother And Child Together

My good friend was pregnant with her first child, and had heard of "Feed the necklaces" to turn the baby when bottle-or breastfeeding. He was not happy with all the drawings he found, so he asked me to make a made for him.

It took a lot of research to find suitable beads. They must be flexible, non-toxic plastic, and certainly no glass or wood. They should be fairly large, and eye grabbing a range of shapes, colors and textures. In short, everything that the child can grasp, chew, and abuse in general.

I decided that the best approach was to buy teethers pre-made and to remove jewelry. I used a doubled string nylon kite string to the range with plastic keys as a sort of center or focal point. There were lots of beads that remain, so I made a mini-ring (which is actually more than a bracelet), whose mother and child on the road.

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