Only a few red diamonds have ever gained a grade of Fancy Red or Fancy Purplish Red as these are both very uncommon. Should a diamond be given a Fancy Red grade it means that the diamond's color is pure red.
A number of red diamonds possess modifying colors for example fancy brownish red and fancy orange red. These too tend to be very uncommon although certainly not as rare as Fancy Red or Purplish red. Other red diamonds have reddish overtones for instance Fancy Reddish Brown. These stones aren't quite as scarce and due to this they cost substantially less than the other reds.
Where are red diamonds found?
The actual only steady source of red diamonds is Australia. The Argyle diamond mine supplies about 90-95% of pink and red diamonds.
Where does the red color come from?
Nobody is aware of exactly how the stone receives this terrific color; but, it is believed that red diamonds get their color via nitrogen atoms. A diamond is composed of carbon atoms fused together, but there are typically gaps within these atoms and diamond experts assume that the gaps and nitrogen are what causes the red color.
What makes red diamonds so expensive?
Anything rare is usually expensive and every really strongly colored diamond is uncommon and in demand by investors. All Vivid natural color diamonds are highly-priced as these colors are the rarest. Red diamonds are so rare that many think that their value might double in the next few of years, and there have been situations in the past of costs jumping practically overnight.
A few famous red diamonds
The Kazanjian Red diamond. This diamond weighs 5.05 carats and is Emerald cut. This diamond was discovered in Lichtenburg in South Africa in the 1920's. It initially weighed 25 carats. The diamond was in fact saved from the Nazis a couple of times by sending it to Tiffany & Company in New York, nevertheless, after the war it was discovered hidden in a salt mine in Bavaria. The diamond disappeared for a period between the years 1970-2007 and it was then that Douglas Kazanjian received this diamond for research and examination. It was Kazanjian who discovered its incredible history. This stone is now available to be viewed at the American Museum of Natural History.
The Rob Red diamond. This diamond was named after its owner and weighs 0.59 carats. It was discovered in Brazil in deposits from an ancient river.
Red diamonds have always demonstrated that they are a wonderful investment because of the scarcity. For the reason that so few are available they will no doubt continue to be sought after by investors.
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